Jean-François Delepau is chairman and CEO of Sofradir and its subsidiaries: ULIS and US-based Sofradir EC. The Group, employing approximately 1,000 people, is a leading global provider of best-in-class infrared (IR) cooled and uncooled detectors for defense, aerospace and commercial markets.
Previously Mr. Delepau was managing director of ULIS, a position he held for 10 years. Prior to that, he held the post of deputy director when he joined ULIS in 2007. Before that, Mr. Delepau worked in different companies specialized in electronics & components in various positions (marketing and production). Trained as an engineer, Delepau attended Ecole Polytechnique (the top engineering school in France) from 1983 – 1986 and Telecom Paris from 1986 – 1988. He earned an MBA from Insead in 1994.