Mylène Thomas has joined the GIANT Team since June 2021, and will be the GIANT communication coordinator.
She is in charge of facilitate communication and promotion of GIANT actions and associated programs, animate the network of GIANT communicators partners and co-lead communication for major events, such as the High Level Forum Summit, the « Parvis des Sciences » and EKIDEN.
She worked at Territoire d’Energie Isère (local energy management for cities) with the aim of increasing visibility of the company, its place in the energy sector and its relation with cities in the department of Isère. She also worked to deploy a network of charging station for electric cars in multiple departments.
Previously, she was press and communication coordinator for tourism office, city hall and an edition group.
She also served as event coordinator at American Express Group in Paris and at Publicis Healthcare Group. She managed the organization of few pharmaceutical conferences and workshops.
Mylène is graduated of a Master degree in international communications at ISCOM Paris and studied in tourism and cultural event organization, management. Between two years of studies, she spent a semester abroad in United States.