The High Level Forum, the International Network of Innovation Ecosystems, is very pleased to soon welcoming you to its HLF Connect Briefing, an international online edition bringing together high representatives from academia, higher education, research & technology, industry, business and public authorities.
On the agenda: two interactive roundtables discussions on crucial issues of the time with international panelists from innovation ecosystems worldwide.
Programme (download it here)
June 14, 9am (CEST):
HR Issues / Managing Talent, led by Robert Thomas, Grenoble GIANT Innovation Campus, CEA.
June 21, 3pm (CEST):
International Collaborations to Achieve “Green” Goals in Supply Chains, led by Richard B. Dasher, Silicon Valley, Stanford University.
These webinars are milestones ahead of the HLF Summit 2022 to be held on 6-8 November in Tampere (Finland) on the topic “HOW LOCAL & REGIONAL INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS SUPPORT 2030 GLOBAL OBJECTIVES”