Florent Cholat
Metropolitan Councillor responsible for Digital Development, Digital Innovation and Public Data Management
Takashi Inutsuka
Executive Director, Tsukuba Global Innovation Promotion Agency (TGI)
Jean-François Clappaz
Vice-president of Communauté de communes Le Grésivaudan
Claus Habfast
Grenoble City councillor
Samy Sisaid
Subprefect for NextGenerationEU
Chih-I Wu
President of Taiwan Semiconductor Association (TSIA). Hsinchu, Taiwan
Sharon Rehbinder
Trade Advisor (Southwestern US chapter)
Damien Térouanne
Managing Director ENGIE Solutions, France
Petri Räsänen
Program Director, Business Tampere
Tampere, Finlande
Kwang-Seong Choi
Director/Research Fellow ETRI
Daejeon, South Korea