Stephen Su
Senior Vice President ITRI Hsinchu, Taiwan
This year, the theme of the 12th edition of the High Level Forum Summit Is “Innovation ecosystems for resilient society”.
This Edition is taking place in Hsinchu, Taiwan. 🇹🇼
Dates: 17 to 19 November
Founding Chairman,Etron Technology,Inc.
Managing Director of Merck Group,
Director,International Cooperation,Fraunhofer MIKROELEKTRONIK
Director of US-Asia Technology Management Center Stanford University USA
International Affairs Officer (Europe), ITRI, Taiwan
Intreim Associate Vice President, Community-based Engagement,
Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute, (EI2), USA
Director/Research Fellow ETRI
Daejeon, South Korea
Principal of Frontera Technology Ventures, Houston, USA
Head of Sector Group VDMA Productronics
Honorary Chairman at Institute for Competitiveness, New Dehli, India
Executive Vice President ITRI,
Deputy Chair of the HLF – Head of the Sciences & Technologies Societal Impacts group at CEA Research & Technology division, Grenoble, France
President and Chief Executive Officer at PRIMA Québec, Greater Montreal, Canada
Coordinator of the Surveillance and Strategic Intelligence team, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Bilbao, Spain
National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA),
Bangkok, Thaïland
Managing Director of Grenoble Ecole de Management
Disruptive Renewal Scout, DIMECC
Tampere, Finland
Director, Thai-BISPA
Bangkok, Thailand
Director of the Technology Transfer activities of the CEA,
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTU
CEO Tecnalia Ventures Bizkaia Spain
Nicolas BEROUD, Deputy Director – Agence Grenoble Alpes
Senior Advisor
Nocturne Capital Co., Ltd. VC
Tsukuba, Japan
CEO and General Partner of Tech Fund Taiwania Capital