Karen Amram
HLF Chair & CEA Tech Head of International Foresight
Considering the current health crisis and the recent developments on travel restrictions across Europe and the World, the Grenoble Senior Level Group of the HLF has decided to postpone the 2020 summit until autumn 2021.
This decision has been taken as an opportunity to create a differentiated digital event with innovative and valuable content to encourage more global participation within the HLF network. Therefore, the postponed summit was replaced by the first HLF Connect briefing hosted online from Grenoble on Dec 1st, during which Innovation Ecosystems of the HLF discussed three critical issues of our time :
HLF Chair & CEA Tech Head of International Foresight
HLF Deputy Chair & CEA Tech Senior Technology Transfer Officer
Mayor of the City of Grenoble
President of Grenoble-Alpes Metropole
President of GIANT & CEO of
CEA Tech
Director of Grenoble Sites Schneider Electric
ESRF Director
General Director Grenoble Ecole de Management
Grenoble, France
Director Institute Laue-Langevin ILL
President Université Grenoble Alpes
General Director Crédit Agricole Sud
Rhône Alpes
Innovation & Collaboration Director STMicroelectronics
Grenoble, France
Managing Partner of Linden & Swift
Grenoble, France
Director of Development – Grenoble Ecole de Management
Grenoble, France
CEA Deputy Director Valorisation
Director International Actions at Invest in Grenoble Alpes
President of Grenoble-Alpes Metropole
Head of Business Development and staff scientist, ESRF, The European Synchrotron
Grenoble, France
VP for International Affairs Université Grenoble Alpes France
Deputy General Director Grenoble Alpes Métropole
Director General City of Tsukuba
Executive Director Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) Thailand
CEO of DIMECC Ltd, Tampere, Finland
Project Manager for international economic relations
Grenoble, France
CEO Ideon Science Park
Lund, Sweden
President of GIANT & CEO of
CEA Tech
Special Emeritus Advisor at AIST
Tsukuba, Japan
Technology Transfer Officer
CEA Tech
Grenoble (France)
CEO of IVEO Montreal
Professor of Mathematics and Executive Vice President for Research, Technion
Haifa, Israel
CEO Ideon Science Park
Lund, Sweden
HLF Deputy Chair & CEA Tech Senior Technology Transfer Officer
Senior Advisor Agtech
Executive Director for Innovation Grenoble Ecole de Management
Grenoble, France
IDEX Coordinator, Office of the President & former President of Université Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, France
Mayor of the City of Grenoble
Senior Vice President ITRI Hsinchu, Taiwan
Principal Scientist and Team leader of Smart City Impact Assessment team at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Espoo, Finland
Director of US-Asia Technology Management Center Stanford University USA
CEO, General Director, Ville de Grenoble
Grenoble, France
Professor of Mathematics and Executive Vice President for Research, Technion
Haifa, Israel
Director of Strategy and Innovation, Argonne National Lab Chicago USA
Director of Strategy and Programmes of CEA-DRT, CEA
Grenoble, France
Managing Partner of Linden & Swift
Grenoble, France
HLF Chair & CEA Tech Head of International Foresight
HLF Office Manager, International & Corporate Events Manager, CEA Research & Technology Division, Grenoble, France
GIANT Communication and Promotion Actions Coordinator
Grenoble, France