Julie Galland
Director of CEA Research & Technology Division
The High Level Forum is organised by the Grenoble Innovation Campus GIANT, led by Julie Galland, Director of the CEA Research & Technology division. The HLF is managed by its Chair, Bruno Charrat, Director for Development of Alliances in Research & Innovation at the CEA’s and its Deputy Chair Michel Ida, head of the Sciences & Technologies Societal Impacts group.
The Members of the Steering Committee (SCOM) are the representatives of selected Innovation Ecosystems of the HLF international community that have provided much-valued support in the past as part as of the Executive Committee or an Ecosystem’s delegation. The major objectives of the SCOM are to shape the future of the HLF Programme and activities, to help guarantee the quality of the HLF annual Summit and to enrich the HLF Network.
Sharon Rehbinder, Director of North America sector of Invest in Grenoble-Alpes, will moderate and animate the whole HLF Summit 2023 !
Director of CEA Research & Technology Division
The HLF Steering Committee is composed of members from the Ecosystems of Chicago (USA), Grenoble (France), Haifa (Israel), Hsinchu (Taiwan), Lund (Sweden), Quebec-Montreal (Canada), Stanford (USA), Tampere (Finland), Thailand and Tsukuba (Japan).
Chair of the HLF, Director for Development of Alliances in Research & Innovation at the Technological Research Division, CEA
National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA),
Bangkok, Thaïland
Executive Vice President for Research of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Advisor, Tsukuba Global Innovation Promotion Agency (TGI), Japan
Chief Executive Officer at Science Village Scandinavia AB, Lund, Sweden
President and Chief Executive Officer at PRIMA Québec, Greater Montreal, Canada
HLF International Relations Manager & cross disciplinary marketing manager, CEA Research & Technology division, Grenoble, France
Deputy Chair of the HLF – Head of the Sciences & Technologies Societal Impacts group at CEA Research & Technology division, Grenoble, France
HLF Office Manager, International & Corporate Events Manager, CEA Research & Technology Division, Grenoble, France
Director of Strategy and Innovation, Argonne National Lab Chicago USA
Director of US-Asia Technology Management Center Stanford University USA
Senior Vice President ITRI Hsinchu, Taiwan
CEO of DIMECC Ltd, Tampere, Finland