CEO Ideon Science Park
Lund, Sweden
The World of Data changes every day and every hour; the increasing volume and detail of information captured by Enterprises, the rise of Multimedia and Social Media , and the Internet of Things are fueling an exponential growth of Data, highly complex, from multiple sources, with a real-time, on-line, always- available access.
The combination of Big Data availability and new means to capture and analyze massive volumes of data with agility and speed as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning… is providing a powerful foundation for a new wave of heightened innovation and business disruption, while raising new challenges.
The High Level Forum 2019 has explored the impact of such new “Big Data environment” on the Innovation Ecosystems, during specific sessions and panel discussions, mainly under two angles:
Other parts of the Program left opportunities for enjoying networking times between delegations, organizations and individuals, as well as discovering the hosting ecosystem of Lund (Sweden).
CEO Ideon Science Park
Lund, Sweden
HLF Chair & CEA Tech Head of International Foresight
IDEX Coordinator, Office of the President & former President of Université Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, France
President of GIANT & CEO of
CEA Tech
Mayor of Lund,
ESRF Director
UNOPS Global, Head of Global Innovation and Technology
UNOPS Global Procurement/Supply Chain/Operations Executive, Strategist, Innovator, Public and Private sector
President of GIANT & CEO of
CEA Tech
SONY Head of the Wearable Platform Department, Network Communications Europe,
Fédération Française de l’Assurance, Director for Digitisation
CEO Kraftringen,
Credit Agricole Payment Services,
Director For transverse projects
Volvo Cars Senior Director Strategy & Innovation, Vehicle Software & Electronics
Director General City of Tsukuba
Head of Institute for Information Management in Engineering
KIT, Germany
Head of the Cyber Security Research Center, Technion,
Director of the Applied Energy Division at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
IDEX Coordinator, Office of the President & former President of Université Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, France
Supervisory Innovation Coordinator at AIST – AI Research Centure, Tsukuba,
Professor of Ecology at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle
Director of US-Asia Technology Management Center Stanford University USA
Executive Director of the Triple Helix Association (THA)
Executive Director, IPMA
International Affairs, US Innovation Policy
Cooperative Programs Manager at CEA
HLF Deputy Chair & CEA Tech Senior Technology Transfer Officer
GIANT Communication and Promotion Actions Coordinator
Grenoble, France
Urban Technology Alliance
Senior Vice President for Research & Chief Technology Officer
Georgetown University, USA
Cybersecurity Competence Network,
Chief of Staff, Ion, Station Houston,
Texas, USA
Diabeloop founder and co-CEO
R&I Director – digitalization of manufacturing and logistics industries,
CEO EMBA & Electronic Engineer
ONVEGA, Sweden
NGIN, Network for Global Innovation, President and CEO
Los Angeles, USA
CEO Ideon Science Park
Lund, Sweden
HLF Chair & CEA Tech Head of International Foresight
Acting Head of Health Division at Vinnova, Gouvernment of Sweden, Innovation Agency
Professor at Warsaw University of Technology,
Ambassador, Astaré International Chairman
Head of Research, Collaboration and Innovation at Lund University,
Executive Director for Innovation Grenoble Ecole de Management
Grenoble, France
President and Chief Executive Officer of The University Financing Foundation
Atlanta, US
Executive Vice President for VTT Technical Centre of Finland
Advisor to the Minister of the
Economy Luxemburg
CEO of DIMECC Ltd, Tampere, Finland
CEO InnoEnergy Scandinavia
CEO Ideon Science Park
Lund, Sweden
HLF Coordination Assistant,
Grenoble, France
Senior Relationship Manager at IDEON Science Park,
Lund Sweden
CEO Ideon Science Park
Lund, Sweden
HLF Chair & CEA Tech Head of International Foresight
Attendance of each High Level Forum edition is made of High Level Executives – Policy or Decision Makers- as Representative’s of their regional Innovation Ecosystem, where they are fully engaged in the Innovation strategies and programs.
Each delegation from an Innovation Ecosystem is expected to be well representative with Delegates coming from various domains, as Education, Research, Industry, Business, Finance and Public Authorities and enough sized with 3 to 8 Members.
More specifically for the 2019 edition, and considering the theme of the Forum about Big Data environment, delegations are expected to include Actors of Big Data Creation, Management and Usage.
In 2019, we welcomed the participation of more than 30 Ecosystems from all Regions around the world: Africa, North and South America, Asia, Europe, Middle-East, Oceania, and 6 new ecosystems joined the High Level Forum for the first time in 2019.
Such regional and cultural diversity is highly contributing to the quality and richness of the Forum based upon the sharing of visions and experiences about Innovation management and promotion.