Julie Galland
Director of CEA Research & Technology Division
This year, the theme of the 12th edition of the High Level Forum Summit Is “How the restructuring of global supply chain impacts innovation ecosystems”.
This Edition is taking place at the maison Minatec, Grenoble, France.
Dates: 26 to 28 November
Moderator: Sharon Rehbinder, Director of North America sector of Invest in Grenoble-Alpes, will moderate and animate the whole HLF Summit 2023 !
Sharon Rehbinder, Director of North America sector of Invest in Grenoble-Alpes, will moderate and animate the whole HLF Summit 2023 !
Director of CEA Research & Technology Division
Chair of the HLF, Chief Innovation Officer at CEA Research & Technology Division, Grenoble, France
Subprefect for NextGenerationEU
Metropolitan Councillor responsible for Digital Development, Digital Innovation and Public Data Management
Grenoble City councillor
Vice-president of Communauté de communes Le Grésivaudan
VP Deep Tech Marketing & Strategy, Air Liquide, Grenoble, France
Project manager, industrial sectors at Québec Quantique, Montréal, Canada
Director of the Technological
Research Institute IRT Nanoelec, Grenoble, France
CEO Quantum Dice, New York, USA
Advisor, Tsukuba Global Innovation Promotion Agency (TGI), Japan
Director, Reseach Center for Advanced Technology in Health and Well-Being of San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
Professor and Chair, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, New York University, USA
CEO Clinatec, CEA, Grenoble, France
Head of Host States Relations and Senior Negotiator In-Kind at the European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden
Director of FoodInnopolis, National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand
Founder of SunBridge, Angel Investors, Tokyo, Japan
Project Leader Life Science at MAX IV and Project Leader SPIRIT – Swedish Platforms for Advanced Infrastructure in Research, Innovation and Technology, Lund, Sweden
Director Processing Development and Future Food – Tetra Pak, Lund, Sweden
Founder of Premium Ingredients, Portable Powder Blending (PPB), allfoodexperts, Chemometric Brain and Blendhub, Copenhagen, Denmark
Coordinator international partnerships, Lund University Collaboration Office, Lund, Sweden
3 pm: HLF chair man welcome introduction
3:10 pm: Short restitution of the documentary bench
3:20 pm: About arts and sciences initiatives relationships
3:30 to 4:15 pm: Testimonies of existing practises
4:30 pm: Workshop time : collective think things through over objectives to reach, common interests to share and network opportunity – Animation : Marjorie Gary-CEA
5:30 pm: End of workshop
6:00 pm: Visit of Faire Connaissance, exhibition of Hélène Launois, artist in residence in CEA Saclay + cocktail
Previously to the workshop which can be attented through livestorm
Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Technology and Strategy at the Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France
Leading ‘Future-proof Societies’ team at VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland
Coordinator of the Surveillance and Strategic Intelligence team, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Bilbao, Spain
Deputy director at CEA-Liten, CEA Research and Technology division, Grenoble, France
Senior Consultant at the Energy Transition Studies Group, TNO, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Grenoble, France
Principal of Frontera Technology Ventures, Houston, USA
Executive VP ST Microelectronics
Grenoble, France
Director/Research Fellow ETRI
Daejeon, South Korea
Program Director, Business Tampere
Tampere, Finlande
Senior Investor at EU’s largest direct Venture Capital/Growth Equity Fund, Paris, France
Director of US-Asia Technology Management Center Stanford University USA
Director for Business Planning Sales & Strategic Partnership Programs HPE
General Delegate of the Strategic Committee for New Energy Systems Industry France
Professor at Technion, Co-Founder at H2Pro, Haifa, Israel
Managing Director ENGIE Solutions, France
Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Technology and Strategy at the Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France
CEO Tecnalia Ventures Bizkaia Spain
Founding Director of the Partnership for Inclusive Innovation, Atlanta, USA
CEO of Axelys, Quebec, Canada
CEO of DIMECC Ltd, Tampere, Finland